I am fairly new to Kotlin and am trying to develop an app which requires me to access all EditText data from a table, that I generate programmatically also with Kotlin. That I managed to do, but I have been unsuccessful in creating lists that will hold all those instances of EditText. To sum it up, I need:
var recordData = List(columns) { mutableListOf<MutableList<out Any>>() }
// create a row in the header table with the archer's names
val firstRow = TableRow(this)
var view1 = TextView(this)
view1.text = " "
archers.forEach { i ->
var name = TextView(this)
name.text = i.toString().uppercase()
name.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, 20F)
var playerArray = List(rows) { mutableListOf<EditText>() }
recordData += playerArray
This is the kotlin code where I generate the table and try to initialize the first two lists. However, the last line creates this error:
Type mismatch: inferred type is List<MutableList> but List<MutableList<MutableList>> was expected
I tried doing this with also with Arrays, but hit essentially the same problem - how do I initialize a list/array of lists/arrays of lists/arrays of EditText? I have been stuck at this for a couple of hours so I'd be very grateful for any advice.
Try this:
val recordData: MutableList<MutableList<EditText>> = mutableListOf()
archers.forEach { i ->
var name = TextView(this)
name.text = i.toString().uppercase()
name.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, 20F)
var playerArray: MutableList<EditText> = MutableList(rows) { EditText(this) } //edit