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Where can the Delphi version of the Windows.Graphics.Capture API be downloaded?

Google Bard is convinced that the Delphi version of the Windows.Graphics.Capture API can be accessed as shown below:

You can download the Delphi version of the Windows.Graphics.Capture API from the Embarcadero website at the following URL: ""

The URL does not exist.

BARD also claims the following URL is also a download source:

You can download Windows.Graphics.Capture.pas for Delphi from the following website: Code snippet ""

Again, doesn't seem to be a valid URL path.

Supposedly, the Windows.Graphics.Capture API is part of later versions of Delphi.

I just installed the Alexandria 11.3 trial version and the unit doesn't appear to be included.

Does anybody know of a valid source?

BARD seems a bit delusional about this issue, and regular Google search is coming up empty.


  • interfaces for the Classes exposed in Windows.Graphics.Capture can be found in WinApi.GraphicsRT.pas, this unit is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\source\rtl\win\winrt