I'm a newbie to django here.
I'm getting the following error on my django backend:
Calling QuerySet.only() after union() is not supported
The error producing code is the following :
post_notification_target_users = Post.get_post_comment_notification_target_users(post=post,
'id', 'username', 'notifications_settings__post_comment_notifications')
I searched where .union() is used with regards to the above and this is what I found :
def get_post_comment_notification_target_users(cls, post, post_commenter):
Returns the users that should be notified of a post comment.
This includes the post creator and other post commenters
# Add other post commenters, exclude replies to comments, the post commenter
other_commenters = User.objects.filter(
Q(posts_comments__post_id=post.pk, posts_comments__parent_comment_id=None, ) & ~Q(
post_creator = User.objects.filter(pk=post.creator_id)
return other_commenters.union(post_creator)
I read other stack posts of what is allowed and what isn't after using union() but i'm unable to arrive at the right way to do it.
The simplest way to do this is to use your only() call before your call to union()
other_commenters = User.objects.filter(
) & ~Q(id=post_commenter.pk)
'id', 'username', 'notifications_settings__post_comment_notifications')
post_creator = User.objects.filter(pk=post.creator_id).only(
'id', 'username', 'notifications_settings__post_comment_notifications')
return other_commenters.union(post_creator)
Becuase you are filtering on the same object type (users) you could also extend your initial query, using parenthesis to indicate precedence, and avoid union() altogether.
users_to_notify = User.objects.filter(
) & ~Q(id=post_commenter.pk)
) | Q(pk=post.creator_id)
return users_to_notify
NB: If you are sure that post_creator won't be in other_commenters, you can also avoid union() entirely with the OR operator.
return other_commenters | post_Creator