So I am trying to use calc wit the top in tailwind. I know this works fine
<div className="w-60 h-[calc(100vh-5rem)]">Sidebar</div>
however I can't seem to get something that is absoluet to drop with it like such
<div className="w-60 absolute top-[calc(100%-5rem)]">Sidebar</div>
I can't seem to find any evidence whether or not it works or does not work besides trying it. Is there another tailwind class I need to include besides the basic ones??
Edited by me 8:32pm Eastern time this top-calc not working on data-shop-area
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you can see th link here tailwind play
You should attach a larger part of the code, this will make the answer easier Until then...
You must ensure that you are using the correct version of Tailwind And make sure that the parent of the element using Position Absolute has a specified length
Here is the code that does what you want and attached a picture of the results ..
<div class="relative h-80 overflow-hidden bg-red-500">
<div class="w-80 bg-blue-400 absolute top-[calc(100%-50px)]">Sidebar</div>