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VBA difference between "Double" and "Variant" array types when transposing

I would like someone to explain why VBA code works if arrays are defined as Variant type but not if they are defined as Double type, when transposing the array. I have this simple test code:

Option Base 1
Sub testDELput()
    Dim c() As Variant
    Dim d() As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    ReDim c(5)
    For i = 1 To 5        'assign test values to c
        c(i) = 10 * i
    ReDim d(5, 1)
    d = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(c)
End Sub

This code works fine, d is a column vector with the elements of c However, if I change the array declarations to Double, i.e.:

Dim c() As Double
Dim d() As Double

I got the following error:

enter image description here

I cannot understand why. Can anybody explain please?

The same happens if I redim c like this:

ReDim c(1, 5)

Thanks for the attention


  • Your understanding about array becomes strange if you do not know what Transpose function returns.

    As Microsoft states here, it returns a Variant!

    Sub testDoubleArray()
      Dim d() As Double, i As Long
      ReDim d(5, 1)
      For i = 1 To 5
            d(i, 1) = i * 100
      Next i
      Debug.Print Join(Application.Transpose(d), "|") 'just to visually see its content (after transforming in 1D array - Variant type)
    End Sub

    Then, in the example you try, the mismatch error comes from the fact that you cannot load a Double array with a Variant type one:

    Sub testDELput()
        Dim c() As Double
        Dim d() As Variant 'because this is what Transpose returns!
        Dim i As Integer
        ReDim c(5): Debug.Print LBound(c): Stop
        For i = 1 To 5        'assign test values to c
            c(i) = 10 * i
        ReDim d(5, 1)
        With Application
           Debug.Print Join(.Transpose(.Transpose(c)), "|"): Stop '1D Variant type
            d = .Transpose(c)
        End With
        Debug.Print LBound(d), UBound(d), UBound(d, 2)
    End Sub

    You can load a Double array from another Double one, as you can see in the next sub:

    Sub testDoubleArray()
      Dim d() As Double, c() As Double, i As Long
      ReDim d(5, 1)
      For i = 1 To 5
            d(i, 1) = i * 10
      Next i
      Debug.Print Join(Application.Transpose(d), "|") 'just to visually see its content (after tranforming in 1D array)
      ReDim c(5, 1)
      c = d
      Debug.Print Join(Application.Transpose(c), "|")
    End Sub