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Is there any way to get hyperlinked results from a code block in org mode?

In org mode, when you generate links from code blocks:

#+begin_src shell :results output
for f in *; do
    if [[ "$f" == "" ]]; then
    printf -- "- [[file:$f][$f]]\n"

: - link_one
: - link_two
: - link_three

Even though they don't "expand" (shown in the format [[file:link_one][link_one]]), you still cannot interact with them in emacs as links.

For clarification, I am trying to use this on an index page to automaticlly link in all the other pages in that directory. I think it would look cool to do this from org mode natively instead of writing a script to do it, and it's a more elegant solution.

This first problem can be solved by deleting the colons in the results block, but that is a pain.

Furthermore, so long as the #+RESULTS: block is there, exporting to html does not recognize the links and instead opts to display them as plaintext, even though emacs (the editor ) "understands" that they should be links when you delete all the colons at the front of the links. In other words: the html export function doesn't recognize them as links, even though emacs does. My question is: how can you generate links from code blocks such that they are recognized by the exporter and by emacs automatically?

I've tried looking around but it's a very niche problem. There are ways to get links from code blocks, but they involve writing all the output to a file, which is not what I want. Maybe there is some hack where I can make it work by using that?


  • I've found the answer. Basically another post had a similar (but not the same) problem, and their solution was to use :results output raw instead, which almost worked. You also need to add :exports both in order for the exporter to recognize the output of the code blocks.