My app below is a Flame_Flutter screen with Rive animation
class HorizontalAnimComponent extends RiveComponent
with HasGameRef<Aviator>, TapCallbacks {
HorizontalAnimComponent(Artboard artboard) : super(artboard: artboard);
late OneShotAnimation horizController;
FutureOr<void> onLoad() {
debugMode = true;
final screenWidth = gameRef.size[0];
final screenHeight = gameRef.size[1];
//para manter a proporção da animação : 1200x280
size = Vector2(screenWidth, screenWidth / 4.2);
x = 0;
y = 0;
anchor = Anchor.topLeft;
horizController = OneShotAnimation('Timeline 1', autoplay: true);
// horizController = OneShotAnimation('Animation 1', autoplay: true);
void onTapDown(TapDownEvent event) {
horizController.isActive = !horizController.isActive;
class Aviator extends FlameGame {
late RiveComponent horizontalAnimComponent;
Color backgroundColor() {
return Colors.amber;
Future<FutureOr<void>> onLoad() async {
Artboard horizontArtboard =
await loadArtboard(RiveFile.asset('assets/new_file.riv'));
// add(Stripes());
await super.onLoad();
However, as the animation in Rive his artboard is rectangular, I would like to leave with rounded rectangular border. Thanks in advance to anyone who could help me. I've done several searches but to no avail.
You can use the ClipComponent
for this.
Since you want to have a rectangle with rounded corners you have to add a custom ShapeBuilder
as the argument to the ClipComponent
, it could look something like this:
builder: (size) => RoundedRectangle.fromLTRBR(0, 0, size.x, size.y, 10),
children: [yourRiveComponent],
and then you simply add your RiveComponent
as a child to the ClipComponent