I am trying to send a streamlit file_uploader object for a pdf as a post request to a FastAPI based server. However, the server throws 422 Unprocessable Entity error. My server side code looks like the following.
async def upload_file(username: str, uploaded_file: UploadFile = File(...)):
path_to_save_file = Path.home() / username / "saved_files"
path_to_save_file.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
file_location = f"{path_to_save_file}/{uploaded_file.filename}"
with open(file_location, "wb+") as file_object:
return {"INFO": f"File '{uploaded_file.filename}' saved to your profile."}
Client side code looks the following
uploaded_pdf = st.file_uploader('Upload a file', type="pdf")
url = "http://localhost:8000/file/upload"
if st.button("Upload PDF"):
payload = {"username": username, "uploaded_file": uploaded_pdf.getvalue()}
response = requests.post(url, payload)
The relevant API endpoint works correctly with a pdf on http://localhost:8000/docs#
. I also tried just passing uploaded_pdf
instead of uploaded_pdf.getvalue()
but to no avail.
Would appreciate any insight on how to fix it. Thank!!
Found answer to the question. All I did is change the client side code to accept file-based parameters separately through files param. It begun to look like the following.
url = "http://localhost:8000/file/upload"
if st.button("Upload PDF"):
payload = {"username": username, "filename": uploaded_pdf.name}
response = requests.post(url, params=payload, files={"uploaded_file": uploaded_pdf.getvalue()})