I'm trying to come up with a good database design for this use case
I have a table called expenses
as follows
column wouldn't make sense if the expenses category is i.e. "Rent"I have thought of two different approaches
1st approach:
Make the item_id
column nullable
2nd approach:
Create a separate table called expense_item
with the following columns
And drop the item_id
column from the expenses
I'm not sure what approach I should go with or if there's a better approach. I'm not sure how to handle this case scenario
The following technique is just an extension of your 1st approach. You allow the item_id
to be NULL, but validate its null or not null value against the category. I presume you have a categories
table, if not you create it as you do in need it anyway. Now create or add a column item_required boolean
. Create a trigger that checks the presence or absence of item_id
against item_required
for the specified category. This results in something like the following: (see demo here
create table expenses(exp_id integer generated always as identity
primary key
, cat_id integer references categories(cat_id)
, item_id integer
create or replace function validate_category_item()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
as $$
if not exists(select null
from categories
where cat_id = new.cat_id
and ( ( new.item_id is null
and not requires_item
or ( new.item_id is not null
and requires_item
raise exception E'*** Item Id Exception. ***\n1. Specified Category requires item and Item missing. \n2. Specified Category does not take Item but Item Present ';
end if;
return new;
create trigger cat_item_check_aiur
after insert or update on expenses
for each row
execute function validate_category_item();
The assumption here is that a category either must have an item or cannot have an item. You of course need to adjust the trigger to your exact requirement.
In case it does not yet exist the following is a sample setup for a categories table
create table categories( cat_id integer generated always as identity
primary key
, name text
, requires_item boolean
insert into categories(name,requires_item)
values ('Rent', false)
, ('Food', true);
select * from categories;