Since I dont want to use AutoMapper, I desided to map entities in their constructor. For example: I map entity from database to domain entity in domain enitie's constructor, and map domain entity to view entity in view entity constructor. But I dont fell so sure about that approach, I'm not so good in DDD but seems like this approach disrupts DDD. So I want to get know if this approach fit DDD, and maybe there's more better approaches.
There are a few issues with your approach.
What you should be doing instead is leaving the job of Serializing and Hydrating an object to a "Repository" and leave the job of creating a new object to a "Factory". Automapper helps you implement a repository with ease. Without Automapper, you would have to write and figure out if an object is "dirty" or new and whether to do an insert or update and translate all of that into Repository commands. Not impossible but super daunting!
This is of course a simplified answer as the answer to your question could go several layers deeper. Please let me know if there's a detail you would want me to delve into a little bit more.