I want to find out how much cost I have in remaining stocks. It should filter out stock with remaining = 0
I have the following data
stocks: [
remaining: 2,
costPerItem: 5
remaining: 3,
costPerItem: 2
remaining: 0,
costPerItem: 3
I have created Mongo Playground: https://mongoplayground.net/p/d5S19t60V4B
Total cash of each item is remaining * costPerItem
The expected result should return total cash in stock: 16.
Group all documents, and sum the total of the result multiplying the remaining
and costPerItem
$group: {
_id: null,
totalCashInStock: {
$sum: {
$multiply: [
You could add a $match
stage before the $group
stage to filter the document with remaining
not 0. It is optional as if remaining
is 0, the outcome after multiplying with costPerItem
will be 0, so technically the result will be the same as the aggregation query without the $match
Updated: In case there is a document with negative remaining
value, then the $match
stage is required for the accurate calculation.