Say you have a raster
, could be e.g. Sea Surface Temperature from NOAA with a grid: 0.25 degree latitude x 0.25 degree longitude global grid (1440x720).
Is it possible to convert a raster like this with R, so the output is smooth polygons
? This would be an example from NYTimes where similar coarse raster files where somehow converted to 3 classes of smooth polygons.
Is there a clever way? I tried a lot with disaggregate
, focal
, reclassify
, terra: aspolygons
, smoothr:smooth
Nothing is really close to a smooth polygon. Any clues?
Here is a possible work-flow. First go to a high spatial resolution with resample
; make polygons; simplify.
x <- rast("filename")
x <- disagg(x, 10, method="bilinear")
# reclassify to get NA and one other value, e.g.
x <- ifel(x < 1, NA, 1)
p <- as.polygons(x)
s <- simplifyGeoms(p)