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Multiple ViewModels in MainWindowViewModel

I will probably have a stupid and many times explained question, but I did not find a simple googling answer to my question. (I'm just a beginner in C# so don't judge strictly, OOP is still a bit difficult for me to understand). I have a WPF MVVM application, inside of which I would like to implement several ViewModel for which there is one View. I want to be able to change SelectedViewModel to SelectedViewModel_One and SelectedViewModel_Two, where the same methods will be implemented inside. (as in the example).

 public  class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged, IDisposable
        private bool _Disposed;
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string PropertyName = null){}
        protected virtual bool Set<T>(ref T field, T value, [CallerMemberName] string PropertyName = null){}
        public void Dispose(){}
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool Disposing){}


public partial class SelectedViewModel_One : ViewModel
        public void Move(){}

public partial class SelectedViewModel_Two : ViewModel
        public void Move(){}

     internal class MainWindowViewModel : ViewModel
        private ViewModelAbstractBaseOrSmthLikeThat selectedViewModel = null;
        public ViewModelAbstractBaseOrSmthLikeThat SelectedViewModel
             get { return selectedViewModel; }
             set { Set(ref selectedViewModel, value); }

<Window x:Class="SampleApplication.Views.MainWindow"
        ResizeMode="NoResize" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen">


    <Grid DataContext="{Binding SelectedViewModel}">
          <!--Components and binding to SelectedViewModel -->

But how to properly organize the architecture of the application? What do I need to add, or change in the code of MainWindowViewModel instead of "ViewModelAbstractBaseOrSmthLikeThat"

I need to work with interfaces, and implement a base class? Or please give me a link to the simplest example how to do this, so that by changing in MainWindowViewModel - SelectedViewModel - I can call Move() methods from SelectedViewModel_One and SelectedViewModel_Two.

I have several devices which are controlled via RS232 commands. All the devices have the same functions but the commands are different. That's why there is a single View for the program


  • Here's an example of how to proceed with a base class:

    public abstract class RS232DeviceViewModel : ViewModel
        public abstract void Move();
    public class FirstDeviceViewModel : RS232DeviceViewModel
        public override void Move()
            throw new NotImplementedException();
    public class SecondDeviceViewModel : RS232DeviceViewModel
        public override void Move()
            throw new NotImplementedException();

    In your MainWindowViewModel, you would declare SelectedViewModel as an RS232DeviceViewModel:

    public class MainWindowViewModel
        private RS232DeviceViewModel selectedViewModel
        public RS232DeviceViewModel SelectedViewModel
                return selectedViewModel;
                if (selectedViewModel != value)
                    selectedViewModel = value;