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Find RMSEA of a PCA or factor analysis in R pkg:psych

I can no longer find the RMSEA of a factor or PCA analysis in R. See this code:

mod1<-pca(Thurstone, nfactors=2)
factor.stats(Thurstone, mod1)

Where is this information stored? I used to be able to run mod1$RMSEA and get it quite cleanly.


  • After reading the help page for factor.stats I suggest

    factor.stats(Thurstone, mod1)$RSMEA

    So what you may have done before was something like

    Fstats <-  factor.stats(Thurstone, mod1)

    There’s another function, principal in pkg::psych that sometimes gets different results but I don’t know if the difference includes the RMSEA values.

    Once I was able to do some hacking on something other than my iPhone I found that including the n.obs argument seems to solve the problem:

    factor.stats(Thurstone, mod1, n.obs=500)$RMSEA
         RMSEA      lower      upper confidence 
     0.1789257  0.1622499  0.1965331  0.9000000 

    Added note: You can see that the help page for ?pca doesn't actually document the pca function; rather it describes the principal function. And if you look at the code for pca is shows that the "n.obs" needed by factor.stats is set to NA.

    > pca 
    function (r, nfactors = 1, residuals = FALSE, rotate = "varimax", 
        n.obs = NA, covar = FALSE, scores = TRUE, missing = FALSE, 
        impute = "median", oblique.scores = TRUE, method = "regression", 
        use = "pairwise", cor = "cor", correct = 0.5, weight = NULL, 
        principal(r = r, nfactors = nfactors, residuals = residuals, 
            rotate = rotate, n.obs = n.obs, covar = covar, scores = scores, 
            missing = missing, impute = impute, oblique.scores = oblique.scores, 
            method = method, use = use, cor = cor, correct = 0.5, 
            weight = NULL, ...)
    <bytecode: 0x5654e4aea470>
    <environment: namespace:psych>

    So if principal had been called everything would have come as expected:

    > mod1<-principal(Thurstone, nfactors=2)
    > mod1$RMSEA
    > factor.stats(Thurstone, mod1, n.obs=500)$RMSEA
         RMSEA      lower      upper confidence 
     0.1789257  0.1622499  0.1965331  0.9000000