Below is a snippet from my Ansible playbook
- name: Stop RDSs
region: us-west-2
aws_access_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
aws_secret_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
id: "my_instance_id"
skip_final_snapshot: true
state: stopped
The error I am getting is
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: Invalid type for parameter Iops, value: None, type: <class 'NoneType'>, valid types: <class 'int'>
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"boto3_version": "1.26.101", "botocore_version": "1.29.101", "changed": false, "msg": "Unexpected failure for method modify_db_instance with parameters {'AllocatedStorage': None, 'Iops': None, 'DBInstanceIdentifier': 'my_instance_id', 'ApplyImmediately': False}: Parameter validation failed:\nInvalid type for parameter AllocatedStorage, value: None, type: <class 'NoneType'>, valid types: <class 'int'>\nInvalid type for parameter Iops, value: None, type: <class 'NoneType'>, valid types: <class 'int'>"}
and when i explicitly add all the parameters the error statement lists,
allocated_storage: 150
iops: 1000
apply_immediately: true
the playbook finishes without any errors but the rds doesn't get stopped.
Also this is only happening to a specific set of RDSs, the playbook above works fine with other RDSs in my stack.
My ansible version details are as follows
ansible [core 2.14.4]
python version = 3.10.10 [GCC 10.2.1 20210110] (/usr/local/bin/python)
jinja version = 3.1.2
libyaml = True
have you tried running the playbook in higher verbose? you can also troubleshoot further to see if the API call is making there and handle that specific set of RDS. Here is a link for troubleshooting further