Search code examples

Domain shows page cannot be found if a path provided after top level domain

As the title states I have a domain that is hosting a web app if I click directly from the app to "/login" it goes to the required page perfectly however if a directly type in "" it says page can't be found.

I have a single page web application built using React that is hosted on amplify and its domain is managed by google domains. I have added the necessary DNS records to google domain but since google domain does not have a type @ record available I employed a domain forwarding technique that was recommended.

    <Route path={"/"} element={<LandingPage />} />
    <Route path={"/sign-up-start"} element={<SignUp />} />
    <Route path={"/sign-up"} element={<SignUpForm />} />
    <Route path={"/termofuse"} element={<TermAndConsitions />} />
    <Route path={"/login"} element={<Login />} />
    <Route path="dashboard/" element={<DashboardLayout />}>
      <Route path="home" element={<DashboardHome />} />
      <Route path="dashboard" element={<Dashboard />} />
      <Route path="status" element={<MyStatus />} />
      <Route path="account" element={<MyAccount />} />
    <Route path={"*"} element={<NoPageFound />} />


  • Amplify -> App Settings -> Rewrites and redirects

    Add this rule;

    Source address*:


    Target address*:



    200 (Rewrite)