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Azure multi subscription RBAC for a service princpal

I have 2 Azure subscriptions. Subscription_1 is used to create a VNET/SUBNET. Subscription_2 is used to create a VM inside that VNET.

To do the deployment, I am creating 2 Services principals. SPN_1 will deploy the VNET/SUBNET. SPN_2 will deploy the VM.

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name SP_1  --role contributor  --scopes /subscriptions/mySubscriptionID_of_Subscription_1 

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name SP_2  --role contributor  --scopes /subscriptions/mySubscriptionID_of_Subscription_2 

However, for SPN_2 To deploy the VM , I need SP_2 to have "network contributor" RBAC to Subscription_1.

I looked at the documentation, and it is very poor and does not give examples of update :

How can I update the SP_1 to do so ? What are the CLI to achieve this ?


  • You dont need to create multiple service principal:

    • Create one service principal using az ad sp create-for-rbac.
    • Assign role using az role assignment create.

    Here is a powershell example:

    # Create service principal
    $spCredentials = az ad sp create-for-rbac --name SP_1 | ConvertFrom-Json
    # Get SP details
    $spDetails = az ad sp show --id $spCredentials.appId | ConvertFrom-Json
    # Create contributor role assignment for subscription1
    az role assignment create --assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal --assignee-object-id $ --role "contributor" --scope /subscriptions/mySubscriptionID_of_Subscription_1
    # Create network contributor role assignment for subscription1
    az role assignment create --assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal --assignee-object-id $ --role "network contributor" --scope /subscriptions/mySubscriptionID_of_Subscription_1
    # Create contributor role assignment for subscription2
    az role assignment create --assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal --assignee-object-id $ --role "contributor"--scope /subscriptions/mySubscriptionID_of_Subscription_2