I am building an app to transliterate Myanmar (Burmese) text to International Phonetic Alphabet. I have found that it's easier to manipulate combining Unicode characters in my dictionaries as binary variables like this
b'\xe1\x80\xad\xe1\x80\xaf\xe1\x80\x84': 'áɪŋ̃', #'ိုင'
because otherwise they glue to neighboring characters like apostrophes and I can't get them unstuck. I am translating UTF-8 Burmese characters to binary hex variables to build my dictionaries. Sometimes I want to convert backwards. I wrote a simple program:
while True:
binary = input("Enter binary Unicode string or 'exit' to exit: ")
if binary == 'exit':
Obviously this will not work for an input such as b'\xe1\x80\xad'
, since input() returns a string.
I would like to know the quickest way to convert the string "b'\xe1\x80\xad'"
to it's Unicode form ' ိ '. My only idea is
binary = bin(int(binary, 16))
but that returns
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: "b'\\xe1\\x80\\xad\\'"
Please help! Thanks.
The issue is that the input string "b'\xe1\x80\xad'" is not a valid hexadecimal string that can be converted to Unicode directly. However, you can use the ast module to safely evaluate the string as a Python literal and get the corresponding bytes object. Here's an example:
import ast
binary = "b'\\xe1\\x80\\xad'"
bytes_obj = ast.literal_eval(binary)
unicode_str = bytes_obj.decode('utf-8')
This should output the Unicode character 'ိ'. The ast.literal_eval() function safely evaluates the input string as a Python literal, which in this case is a bytes object. You can then decode the bytes object to get the corresponding Unicode string.