Here is a reproducible example of my problem:
df <- mtcars %>%
geom_point() +
stat_poly_line() + stat_poly_eq(use_label(c("eq")))
I want to be able to pull out the slope from regression equation that's plotted here on this ggplot chart. I have tried assigning the ggplot to a value of p and then checking the contents of p, but have not been able to find anything that looks quite like a regression equation.
Can someone help point me in the right direction? The end goal is to pull out the slope for each set of data when cyl = 4, 6, and 8. Then, I would place all of these #s in a dataframe that would look like the following:
Cyl Slope
4 0.339
6 -0.300
8 0.089
You honestly don't need to pull the equations out of a plot. The plot calculates the coefficients internally using lm
, so you can do the same in just a couple of lines:, lapply(c(4, 6, 8), function(x) {
data.frame(Cyl = x,
Slope = round(lm(hp ~ disp, mtcars[mtcars$cyl == x,])$coef[2], 3))
})) |>
#> Cyl Slope
#> 1 4 0.339
#> 2 6 -0.300
#> 3 8 0.089