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What is the right input to complete this =ImportXML in Google Sheets

I am trying to automate pulling number of review and rating from Trip Advisor... how would I find the right xpath query to pull? I have been trying to pull and have been getting errors or just the headers.


I know the xpath is not the one represented above... if anyone knows what the best input would be to get "120 review" and "4.5/5", it'd be greatly appreciated!


I know the xpath is not the one represented above... if anyone knows what the best input would be to get "120 review" and "4.5/5", it'd be greatly appreciated!


  • You may try:

    Rating: =importxml(A1,"//*[@id='ABOUT_TAB']/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/span[1]")&"/5"

    Reviews: =join(,importxml(A1,"//*[@id='ABOUT_TAB']/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/a[1]/span[2]"))

    enter image description here