I'm looking to take in a string of the format "package.file.module.classname"
and use that to access the docstring of the particular class or functions within.
I can import the initial package, but the remaining part of the path remains flexible to any input.
I've attempted using getattr(sys.modules[__name__], classname)
but that seems to be limited to within a current package and cannot be extended outside it
After parsing the string into module and class names, I think you need to use importlib to import the module, then use getattr
to get the class object from the module by name.
After that, I was able to get docstrings using inspect
Here's an example: Say you have a birds module: animals/birds.py
class Duck:
A duck class
def __init__(self, name):
self._name = name
def quack(self):
A quack method
print(f"{self._name} is quacking")
This code will return a dict
with class and method names as keys, and their docstrings as values:
import importlib
import inspect
def get_docstrings(class_string):
# Split the string into module, class name parts
path_parts = class_string.split('.')
module_name = '.'.join(path_parts[:-1])
class_name = path_parts[-1]
module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
# Retrieve the class object from the module
class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
doc_strings = {}
# Return the docstring of the class
doc_strings[class_name] = class_obj.__doc__
for name, member in inspect.getmembers(class_obj):
if inspect.isfunction(member):
doc_strings[name] = member.__doc__
return doc_strings
except (AttributeError, ImportError, IndexError):
return None
# Example usage
docstring = get_docstrings("animals.birds.Duck")
Note that docstrings will have new line escapes and other formatting:
'Duck': '\n A duck class\n ',
'__init__': None,
'quack': '\n A quack method\n '