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How to subtract inserted value from previous rows field value for each entry in a statement

I need to do an insert into a table of each shipment that day. I am having a problem deducting the total amount from the previous row. I am inserting into tableC, but since if I have multiple orders in a day its only grabbing the last debit entry and deducting from the original last rows total. I know this is because I am using the ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1, but I can't think of another way to get the last rows total column value. I also need the second insertion to get the new total from the previous insertion.

I am using a select statement inside a variable to run inside my insert statment. @vTotal

If its a single entry insertion it would work, but how do I this to work if there is multiple rows in the select statement, or is there a better way to do this?

Below is my current test query:

SET @vCreatedbt := '';
SET @vTotal := (SELECT - tableB.ShipmentCharge AS total 
                FROM tableC, tableB 
                ORDER BY id DESC 
                LIMIT 1);
SET @vwork_order_id := null;
SET @vModified := null;
SET @vModified_by := null;
SET @vCredit := null;
SET @vid := null;

    SELECT @vId AS id, client_name AS descr, @vWork_order_id AS work_order_id, 
            @vCredit AS credit, ShipmentCharge as debit, @vTotal AS total, 
            now() as created, @vCreatedby as createdby, 
            @vModified AS modified, @vModified_by AS modified_by
    FROM tblA
        INNER JOIN tableD ON =
        INNER JOIN tableB ON tableD.tracking_number = tableB.TrackingNumber
        WHERE tableA.status = 'Order Shipped'

Just showing these three fields of tableC to simplify

id debit total
1 27.37 15260.96

Query is giving me

id debit total
1 27.37 15260.96
2 25.96 15235.96
3 25.00 15235.96

The id is auto incremented


  • DEMO:

    CREATE TABLE balance (
      person_id INT NOT NULL,
      action DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL,
      balance DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      CONSTRAINT balance_cannot_be_negative CHECK (balance >= 0)
    CREATE TRIGGER set_balance
    BEFORE INSERT ON balance
      SET NEW.balance = COALESCE(
        SELECT balance 
        FROM balance
        WHERE person_id = NEW.person_id
        ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1
        ), 0) + NEW.action;
    INSERT INTO balance (person_id, action) VALUES (1, 100); -- add $100, balance $100
    INSERT INTO balance (person_id, action) VALUES (1, -20); -- spend $20, balance $80
    INSERT INTO balance (person_id, action) VALUES (2, 50);  -- add $50, balance $50
    INSERT INTO balance (person_id, action) VALUES (1, 10);  -- add $10, balance $90
    INSERT INTO balance (person_id, action) VALUES (2, 30);  -- add $30, balance $80
    INSERT INTO balance (person_id, action) VALUES (2, -40); -- spend $40, balance $40
    -- try to spend $100 which is over current balance, error generated
    INSERT INTO balance (person_id, action) VALUES (2, -100); 
    Check constraint 'balance_cannot_be_negative' is violated.
    SELECT * FROM balance ORDER BY id;
    SELECT * FROM balance ORDER BY person_id, created_at;
    id person_id action balance created_at
    1 1 100.00 100.00 2023-06-08 18:05:59.811375
    2 1 -20.00 80.00 2023-06-08 18:05:59.817546
    3 2 50.00 50.00 2023-06-08 18:05:59.819130
    4 1 10.00 90.00 2023-06-08 18:05:59.820016
    5 2 30.00 80.00 2023-06-08 18:05:59.821140
    6 2 -40.00 40.00 2023-06-08 18:05:59.822273
    id person_id action balance created_at
    1 1 100.00 100.00 2023-06-08 18:05:59.811375
    2 1 -20.00 80.00 2023-06-08 18:05:59.817546
    4 1 10.00 90.00 2023-06-08 18:05:59.820016
    3 2 50.00 50.00 2023-06-08 18:05:59.819130
    5 2 30.00 80.00 2023-06-08 18:05:59.821140
    6 2 -40.00 40.00 2023-06-08 18:05:59.822273


    DATETIME(6) needed in the fiddle - common DATETIME does not provide needed accuracy. In practice DATETIME must be enough - I doubt that the person can perform two separate transactoins within a second.. or you may use not created_at but id for rows ordering.