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How to plot bar graph with two column values parallely in a single figure using plotly?

I have a pandas dataframe which shows in each shopping mall, how much the males spend money and how much the females spend money. Its like this -

   ShoppingMall   MaleSpends   FemaleSpends
0     XX             5600.20        4500.70
1     YY             9000.00        100000.00
2     zz             7809.45          5600.89

In one graph I have to plot the malespends and femalespends.

I can plot the graphs separately in plotly -

import as px,x='ShoppingMall',y='MaleSpends',barmode='group'),x='ShoppingMall',y='FemaleSpends',barmode='group')

But I need to plot the money spent by males and females in one figure. A screenshot is shown .enter image description here


  • At its simplest, using plotly's expres function to create the code, the graph can be created with the following one line., x='ShoppingMall', y=['MaleSpends', 'FemaleSpends'], barmode='group')

    enter image description here