Source code for a random word generator that has the user type the word to confirm
def word_list():
import random #Import random function
words = ['hello',"yes","no","I","look","where","can","he","with","see","do","we","a","you","play","am","what","one","the","this","have","on","want","go","like","and","hurt","to","under","day","is","or","of","it","are","said","big","up","that","little","down","there","my","she","out","good","her","all","yes","make","read","no","they","your\n"]
question = random.choice(list(words)) #Generates a random word from the list
print(question) #Displays the word that was generated
answer = input('Retype the word and press enter:') #User retypes the
while True: #Loop that allows user to
if answer == question: #If statement that confirms the user spelled the word right
print('Great job you spelled it correctly!')
input('Press enter for another word')
while answer != question:
print('You spelled that word wrong, please try again!')
answer = input('Retype the word and press enter:')
You were on the right track, but as @guidot was saying you have to exit that loop, and you need a second loop to keep playing.
I would've written the code something like this:
def word_list():
import random #Import random function
words = ['hello',"yes","no","I","look","where","can","he","with","see","do","we","a","you","play","am","what","one","the","this","have","on","want","go","like","and","hurt","to","under","day","is","or","of","it","are","said","big","up","that","little","down","there","my","she","out","good","her","all","yes","make","read","no","they","your"]
play = True
# a first loop for the game, as it seemed that you wanted it "infinte"
while play:
# here starts a round, get a word
question = random.choice(words) #Generates a random word from the list
print(question) #Displays the word that was generated
while True: # loop until the player types the word correctly
answer = input('Retype the word and press enter: ') #User retypes the
if answer == question:
# the player has answered correctly, award him
print('Great job you spelled it correctly!')
# check if the player wants to keep playing
answer = input('Press enter for another word, write "exit" to stop: ')
# if the answer was not exit, keep playing
play = answer.strip() != "exit"
# this exit this loop, so it will end the round
# the answer was wrong
print('You spelled that word wrong, please try again!')