atan2(y, x)
has that discontinuity at PI (180°) where it switches to -PI..0 (-180°..0°) going clockwise.
if i apply the solution from this
// rust
(y.atan2(x).to_degrees() + 360.0) % 360.0
doesn't quite work with radians
(y.atan2(x) + PI*2.0) % PI*2.0 // doesn't give the right output most of the times
i am probably doing it wrong, cause i am not good at math
so what am i missing?
The problem is that the modulo operator and multiplication have the same precedence, and are left-associative, so your last expression is equivalent to
((y.atan2(x) + PI*2.0) % PI) * 2.0
If you put parentheses around the second PI*2.0
, it should work:
(y.atan2(x) + PI*2.0) % (PI*2.0)