Is there a way to integrate a running and functioning Ansible project or do you have to start from scratch?
I have: /inventory/hosts.ini /roles/ role1 ... role 60
/playbook1 /playbook2
ansible.cfg user: path_key:
and i would like to use this in round corner.
I have already tried to work with the rd-cli but I can't really get a result. Sure, I can create a project (found it on www a while ago):
# Rundeck CLI installieren
sudo apt-get install rundeck-cli
# Rundeck API Key setzen
export RD_TOKEN="rundeck-Api-code"
# Rundeck Server URL setzen
export RD_URL="http://rundeck_server_url:port"
# Projektname festlegen
# Rundeck Projekt erstellen
rd projects create -p $project_name -- \
--project.label="Ihr Projekt Label" \
# Ressourcenmodellquelle festlegen
rd projects configure update -p $project_name -- \
--resources.source.1.type=url \
# SSH Schlüssel hinzufügen
# Setzen Sie den Pfad zur SSH-Schlüsseldatei
# Lesen Sie den Inhalt der SSH-Schlüsseldatei
private_key=$(cat $private_key_file_path)
# Fügen Sie den Schlüssel in den Rundeck Key Storage ein
curl -H "X-Rundeck-Auth-Token: $RD_TOKEN" -X POST --data "$private_key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
# Node hinzufügen
# Node Informationen setzen
# Node hinzufügen
cat > /home/rundeck/projects/$project_name/resources.d/$node_name.yaml << EOL
nodename: $node_name
hostname: $node_hostname
description: ''
username: $node_username
osFamily: unix
ssh-key-storage-path: keys/rundeck
but that does not help me or i didnt understood
You can integrate ansible projects, just point the ansible config and inventory file on the project default node executor / file copier and the proper config on the ansible model source.
Now, to use your Ansible playbooks, create jobs that point to them (adding a inline ansible playbooks steps or ansible playbook steps on the job).
Check this answer.