I have a data frame including three columns as below. I need to add a new column based on the following condition:
If in var_field
, the string following $
equals the string in text
, put the corresponding value in var
in the new column called new_col
. When text
equals NA, the new_col
should remain NA as well. I would really appreciate your advice.
var | text | var_field |
A | happy | A$excited |
B | sad | B$angry |
C | angry | C$sad |
D | excited | D$happy |
E | NA | E$nervous |
F | NA | F$blue |
G | NA | G$lonely |
The expected new column should look like column "new_col".
var | text | var_field | new_col |
A | happy | A$excited | D |
B | sad | B$angry | C |
C | angry | C$sad | B |
D | excited | D$happy | A |
E | NA | E$nervous | NA |
F | NA | F$blue | NA |
G | NA | G$lonely | NA |
For 1st(!) match in base R:
df_ <- read.table(header = T, text = "
var text var_field
A happy A$excited
B sad B$angry
C angry C$sad
D excited D$happy
E NA E$nervous
F NA F$blue
G NA G$lonely")
suffix <- sapply(strsplit(df_$var_field, "$", fixed = TRUE), `[`, 2)
df_$new_col <- df_$var[match(df_$text, suffix)]
#> var text var_field new_col
#> 1 A happy A$excited D
#> 2 B sad B$angry C
#> 3 C angry C$sad B
#> 4 D excited D$happy A
#> 5 E <NA> E$nervous <NA>
#> 6 F <NA> F$blue <NA>
#> 7 G <NA> G$lonely <NA>
Created on 2023-06-08 with reprex v2.0.2