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QTextbrowser Scroll through text whilst new text is still being added

I have a QTextBrowser widget and I'm adding text to this widget like

QTextBrowser m_outputLog;
void MainWindow::readStdout()
  if (m_running)
    QByteArray data = m_runProcess->readAllStandardOutput();
    QString text = QString::fromUtf8(data);
    if (!text.isEmpty())
      m_outputLog->moveCursor (QTextCursor::End);
      m_outputLog->insertPlainText (text);
      m_outputLog->moveCursor (QTextCursor::End);

the readStdout is connected to the m_outputLog through the signal / slot mechanism. This all works OK. The text is appended at the end though the disadvantage is that with each insertion there is a jump back to the end even when I did scroll up a bit. When I remove the m_outputLog->moveCursor (QTextCursor::End); statements the text is still nicely appended at the end but there is no automatic show of the text, I always have to use the mouse to scroll down.

  • how can I put the text at the end
  • automatically show the new text when the end of the text was already shown
  • stay at the scroll position when I used the mouse to scroll through the text

Any suggestions?


  • Here is what I have done for my own need:

    void appendLogMessage(const QString& message)
        QScrollBar vbar = verticalScrollBar();
        // analyze cursor and scrollbar positions
        const QTextCursor old_cursor = textCursor();
        const bool is_scrolled_down = vbar->value() == vbar->minimum();
        const int distanceFromBottom = vbar->maximum() - vbar->value();
        // move the cursor to the begining of the document.
        // adding new text
        if (old_cursor.hasSelection() || !is_scrolled_down)
            // text is selected or scrollbar is not anymore at the bottom: maintain position.
            vbar->setValue(vbar->maximum() - distanceFromBottom);
            // no text is selected and the scrollbar is at the top: scroll to the top.

    Basically, you need to save the scrollbar position before adding the new text, and then decide to move back the scrollbar to this position depending on your own criteria (for example, I decided not to move the scrollbar only if the user has selected some text).