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How to set Trigger in Azure Synapse Pipeline on a specific condition

I have an azure synapse pipeline with a dataflow which takes datafrom Azure synapse lake database to Azure synapse Dedicated SQL Pool. Here Azure synapse lake database is in sync with an Azure data lake gen2 storage account(name = datalake2), This datalake2 has many folder each representing a table in the database. For this datalake2 data will automaticaaly synced from dataverse. So when ever a csv file is uploaded or an existing csv file is modified(csv files get modified because the sync is for a monthly basis, so when there is a incoming of data daily until the month completes the existing csv gets updataed) I want my pipeline to be triggered. I have seen many blogs and documentaion, there I can see only triggers for creation of a new blob, how to do I trigger my pipeline when the existing blob is updated.

I'm ready to provide further details or clarifications for my doubt.

Please anyone let me know how to do it.


  • As per you explanation your requirement is to trigger the specific pipeline if existing blob is updated in ADLS.

    In trigger we have only 2 events Blob created and Blob deleted:

    enter image description here

    If you seclect Blob created in trigger it will trigger the pipeline if Blob is created, updated/modified.

    I create trigger with above setting and assigned it to pipeline it is triggering pipeline when blob is modified.

    Trigger settings:

    enter image description here

    Blob modified: enter image description here

    Pipeline triggered: enter image description here