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Best practice for pagination big table

I have a pretty big table ~100m rows:

create table transfer
    id                  bigint                   not null primary key,
    db_updated_at       timestamp with time zone,

I need to iterate it ordering by db_updated_at desc, id desc. There's application with REST api, which generates query like this:

SELECT * FROM transfer
WHERE "db_updated_at" < '2022-11-18 23:38:44+03' OR (db_updated_at = '2022-11-18 23:38:44+03' and id < 154998555017734)
ORDER BY "db_updated_at" DESC, "id" DESC LIMIT 100

But it's extremly slow ( in explain I see this:

Limit  (cost=0.56..26.92 rows=10 width=230) (actual time=182494.092..182494.273 rows=10 loops=1)
  ->  Index Scan using transfer_db_updated_at_id_desc on transfer  (cost=0.56..55717286.28 rows=21142503 width=230) (actual time=182494.089..182494.266 rows=10 loops=1)
        Filter: ((db_updated_at < '2022-11-18 20:38:44+00'::timestamp with time zone) OR ((db_updated_at = '2022-11-18 20:38:44+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (id < '154998555017734'::bigint)))
        Rows Removed by Filter: 16040385
Planning Time: 0.364 ms
Execution Time: 182494.312 ms

What it the best practice to iterate table with 2 field ordering? I can't iterate only by id because I need s specific timeframe


  • Write it as a tuple comparison rather a complex comparison of multiple scalars:

    SELECT * FROM transfer
    WHERE (db_updated_at,id) < ('2022-11-18 23:38:44+03',154998555017734)
    ORDER BY "db_updated_at" DESC, "id" DESC LIMIT 100;