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Using SwiftUI Charts in macOS Foundation App

I have a Foundation macOS App written in Swift. I'm trying to use SwiftUI Chart View in NSViewcontroller (tutorial here) but it's seems import Charts doesn't recognized and I obtain the error Cannot find 'Chart' in scope and Cannot find 'LineMark' in scope.

enter image description here

Any idea about the issue and how to resolve it ?

EDIT n.1

I've changed deployment target to macOS 13.0+ but still have the same error.

EDIT n.2

I've tried with this sintax (using foreach inside construction closure) but still have the same error.

var body: some View {
        Chart {
            ForEach(entries) { entry in
                LineMark(x: .value("Time", entry.time),
                         y: .value("Temp", entry.temp))


  • Are you using Charts 3rd party library by any chance in your project?

    This one?

    if so work around needs to be renaming Charts library to DGCharts, they are already working on it but this issue explains it

    my solution would be: or if you are using cocoa pods you can use pod 'DGCharts', :git => '' , :branch => 'release/5.0.0'