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Visual Studio Automation: Programatically get a project output directory

I want to programatically get a project output directory in a Visual Studio macro.
I managed to get a string of the path (through prj.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.Properties and looking at property OutputDirectory) but this string may contain macros such as $(foo) where foo is defined in a property sheet or whatnot.

How do I resolve this output directory string to the 'real' directory?


  • I wrote this function for my macros which searches for full absolute output path by substring.

    Function FindOutBinaryNameByExtension(ByVal prj As EnvDTE.Project, ByVal extName As String) As String
        FindOutBinaryNameByExtension = Nothing
        Dim cm As ConfigurationManager = prj.ConfigurationManager
        If cm IsNot Nothing Then
            Dim ac As Configuration = cm.ActiveConfiguration
            For Each grpOut In ac.OutputGroups
                If grpOut.DisplayName = "Primary output" Then
                    Dim lst As Array = grpOut.FileURLs
                    For i As Long = 0 To lst.Length - 1
                        Dim fileName As String = lst.GetValue(i)
                        If fileName.Contains(extName) Then
                            FindOutBinaryNameByExtension = fileName
                            Exit Function
                        End If
                End If
        End If
    End Function