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Notifications on envelope's status

In the eventNotification/envelopeEvents section of the Create Envelope request it should be sent a list of all the statuses that we want to be notified of? The statuses not included there won't be notified to the callback endpoint?

Sending this (sample of the eventNotification/envelopeEvents section of the jSON) would prevent DocuSign to send updates on voided documents?

"eventNotification": {
    "url": "",
    "requireAcknowledgment": "false",
    "includeDocuments": "true",
    "includeDocumentFields": "true",
    "envelopeEvents": [{
            "envelopeEventStatusCode": "completed",
            "includeDocuments": "true"
            "envelopeEventStatusCode": "declined",
            "includeDocuments": "true"
            "envelopeEventStatusCode": "delivered",
            "includeDocuments": "false"
            "envelopeEventStatusCode": "sent",
            "includeDocuments": "false"


  • Yes, this is correct. Note, that this means of using Connect "per envelope" has some limitations. The other option is to set up a Connect Configuration, which is account-wide, for all envelopes, and has more functionality. More information on The Developer Center DocuSign Connect Documentation.