I would like to add a comment on a cell only if certain conditions are met (the cell isn't empty and a different column contains specific text) using OpenXLSX in R. Not sure if this is possible.
I can, of course, conditionally apply a style based on these conditions:
Name<- c("Bob", "Fred", "Smith", "Henry", "Joe")
Other<- 1:5
df<- data.frame(Name, Other)
wb <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb, "Names")
writeData(wb, 1, df, startRow = 1, startCol=1, colNames = F)
West<- createStyle(bgFill = "#DCE6F1")
conditionalFormatting(wb, 1, cols = 2, rows = 1:5, rule = 'AND($A1 == "Smith", $B1<>"")', style = West)
But, as expected, trying to use this in combination with writeComment
just returns an error that style must be a Style object:
conditionalFormatting(wb, 1, col = 2, rows = 1:5, rule = 'AND($A1 == "Smith", $B1<>"")', style = writeComment(wb, 1, col = "B", row = which(df$Name == "Smith"), comment = createComment(comment = "Test Comment")))
Is there any way to do this?
You could achieve this by determining the rows which qualify for a comment com_row
outside openxlsx function; then use com_row
within the writeComment
Name<- c("Bob", "Fred", "Smith", "Henry", "Joe")
Other<- 1:5
df<- data.frame(Name, Other)
wb <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb, "Names")
writeData(wb, 1, df, startRow = 1, startCol=1, colNames = F)
West<- createStyle(bgFill = "#DCE6F1")
conditionalFormatting(wb, 1, cols = 2, rows = 1:5, rule = 'AND($A1 == "Smith", $B1<>"")', style = West)
com1 <- createComment(comment = "Test Comment")
com_row <- which(df$Name == "Smith" & df$Other != "")
# wrap `writeComment` function in an if statement to deal with case
# where there are no names = "Smith" and NAs in Other. This does away
# with the case where `which` evaluates to `integer(0)` when there
# are no elements which are indexed.
if(length(com_row) > 0){
writeComment(wb, 1, col = 2, row = com_row, comment = com1)
saveWorkbook(wb, file = "condition_and_comment_eg.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)
Which results in:
Created on 2023-06-07 with reprex v2.0.2
Test data frame
For case when no rows satisfy the conditions.
Name<- c("Bob", "Fred", "Noname", "Henry", "Joe")
Other<- c(1:2, NA_real_, 4:5)
Workbook output for data frame with no row meeting conditions: