I am using Cypress with page object model in my project.
I have 2 commands in homepage.js :
One to get custId from header section & the other to get custId on footer of the page.
Now I need to check if these two custId match. how can I achieve this as the scope of variables are limited to there respective then blocks.
--------Command 1-------------------
cy.get(custId locator).then($id =>{
var headerCustomerid = $id.text().trim();
----------------command 2------------------------
cy.get(custId locator).then($id =>{
var footerCustomerid = $id.text().trim();
I want to check headerCustomerid == footerCustomerid
Returning the cy
chains will yield Chainable<String>
variables. You can easily compare these like you would other elements.
// HomePage.js
return cy.get('foo').invoke('text').invoke('trim');
getcustomerIdOnFooterSection() {
return cy.get('bar').invoke('text').invoke('trim');
// Test.js
it('tests', () => {
const hp = new HomePage();
hp.getcustomerIdOnHeaderSection().then(($headerText) => {
hp.getcustomerIdOnFooterSection().should('have.text', $headerText);