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BottomSheetScaffold fails to open when the screen rebuilds. Only opens when I click anywhere on the screen

I need to blur the background of the screen when the BottomSheetScaffold is expanded but when I change a remembered value before expanding the bottom sheet, the bottom sheet fails to open on the first try. Only it opens when I click somewhere on the screen. How to avoid this?

fun MyScreen() {

   val sheetState = SheetState(skipHiddenState = false, skipPartiallyExpanded = false)

   val sheetController = rememberBottomSheetScaffoldState(sheetState)

   var isBlurred by remember {

    val blur by animateDpAsState(targetValue = if (isBlurred) 10.dp else 0.dp)

    val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()

   Box (modifier = Modifier.blur(radius = blur).fillMaxSize()) {

      ElevatedButton(onClick = {

          scope.launch {

              isBlurred = true
              sheetController.bottomSheetState.expand() // Fails to expand.

      }) {



        scaffoldState = sheetController,
        sheetContent = {
           // My Content
        sheetDragHandle = {},
        sheetContainerColor = Color.Transparent,
        sheetShadowElevation = 0.dp,
        sheetSwipeEnabled = false
    ) {




  • It turned out I have to remember the SheetState as well because during recomposition the SheetState(skipHiddenState = false, skipPartiallyExpanded = false) is not maintained during recomposition will be done on the next recomposition. I thought the rememberBottomSheetScaffoldState would do it automatically but no. I had to edit the code to either

    val sheetState = remember { SheetState(skipHiddenState = false, skipPartiallyExpanded = false) }
    val sheetController = rememberBottomSheetScaffoldState(sheetState)

    Or merge it together as:

    val sheetController = rememberBottomSheetScaffoldState(SheetState(skipHiddenState = false, skipPartiallyExpanded = false))