I am new to cython and this might be a beginners question. I have a piece of python code (just a single function) that gets executed several thousand times during my script. Therefore, speeding it up (even if just slightly) would largely improve runtime of the script. I tried to do so with Cython. Reading some tutorials, I learned, that a first step would be to add the correct C type declarations to the function. However, since this function uses Shapely objects, I don't know which types to use.
This is the python code:
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point
from shapely.linear import line_locate_point
from shapely.strtree import STRtree
def xy2sd(traj, centerline):
Transforms a set of points into the frenet frame given by centerline
traj: np.ndarray of shape [N, 2] where N is the number of points in the trajectory
centerline: np.ndarray of shape [M, 2] where M is the number of points in the centerline
line = LineString(centerline)
s_orig = line_locate_point(line, Point([0, 0]))
s = np.zeros(traj.shape[0])
d = np.zeros(traj.shape[0])
nth_entry = 100
tree = STRtree([Point(x) for id, x in enumerate(line.coords) if id % nth_entry == 0])
for i in range(traj.shape[0]):
pnt = Point(traj[i])
s[i] = line.line_locate_point(pnt)
d[i] = pnt.distance(line)
min_idx = tree.nearest(pnt)*nth_entry
pnt_min_dist = centerline[min_idx]
pnt_behind = centerline[min_idx-1]
sign = (pnt_behind[0]-pnt_min_dist[0])*(pnt.y-pnt_min_dist[1]) - \
sign = 1 if sign >= 0 else -1 if sign < 0 else 0
d[i] = sign*d[i]
sd_coords = np.zeros(traj.shape, dtype=np.float32)
sd_coords[:, 0] = s - s_orig
sd_coords[:, 1] = d
return sd_coords
So far i changed it to the following Cython code
cimport cython
cimport numpy as np
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point
from shapely.linear import line_locate_point
from shapely.strtree import STRtree
def xy2sd(traj, centerline):
Transforms a set of points into the frenet frame given by centerline
traj: np.ndarray of shape [N, 2] where N is the number of points in the trajectory
centerline: np.ndarray of shape [M, 2] where M is the number of points in the centerline
line = LineString(centerline)
s_orig = line_locate_point(line, Point([0, 0]))
cdef np.ndarray s = np.zeros(traj.shape[0])
cdef np.ndarray d = np.zeros(traj.shape[0])
cdef int nth_entry = 100
tree = STRtree([Point(x) for id, x in enumerate(line.coords) if id % nth_entry == 0])
cdef int i
cdef int min_idx
cdef np.ndarray pnt_min_dist
cdef np.ndarray pnt_behind
cdef double cross_prod
cdef int sign
for i in range(traj.shape[0]):
pnt = Point(traj[i])
s[i] = line.line_locate_point(pnt)
d[i] = pnt.distance(line)
min_idx = tree.nearest(pnt)*nth_entry
pnt_min_dist = centerline[min_idx]
pnt_behind = centerline[min_idx-1]
cross_prod = (pnt_behind[0]-pnt_min_dist[0])*(pnt.y-pnt_min_dist[1]) - \
sign = 1 if cross_prod >= 0 else -1 if cross_prod < 0 else 0
d[i] = sign*d[i]
cdef np.ndarray sd_coords = np.zeros(traj.shape, dtype=np.float32)
sd_coords[:, 0] = s - s_orig
sd_coords[:, 1] = d
return sd_coords
I am able to compile this code, however i did not notice any speedup.
I suppose, this is due to the lacking type declarations for the shapely objects of line
and pnt
Which types do I have to use there? Can I expect major speedups from just adding the types or is there anything else I can do?
Probably the best way to work out what you would want to do is see how it's done in shapely itself, for example in geometry_helpers.pyx
It would likely look something like this:
import shapely
# import the types / functions you need from shapely here
from shapely._geos cimport get_geos_handle, ...
from shapely._pygeos_api cimport import_shapely_c_api, ...
# your actual code ...
However shapely already uses cython internally on the slow bits, so there might not be many easy wins left.
I think you can make better use of shapely to get a decent speedup without the extra complexity of cython though - some ideas:
and pnt.distance(line)
don't seem to have any index so will be pretty slow, would avoid if possible and use a tree.query
instead[Point(x) for ...]
) ideally batch these up e.g. via shapely.points(array)
Putting some of this together I get something like the below which ran about 30x faster than the original for me, though is not quite identical.
import shapely
def xy2sd_alternate(traj, centerline):
# RTree of all the line segments in the centerline
tmp = np.repeat(centerline, repeats=2, axis=0)[1:-1]
ind = np.arange(tmp.shape[0])//2
lns = shapely.linestrings(tmp, indices=ind)
tree = shapely.STRtree(lns)
# distances along the centerline at each of its points
dists = np.zeros(centerline.shape[0])
dists[1:] = ((np.diff(cl, axis=0)**2).sum(axis=1)**0.5).cumsum()
# get the indexes of the closest centerline line-segment for each trajectory point
nearest_line_idx = tree.nearest(shapely.points(traj))
# convert to frenet frame coords
sd = np.zeros(traj.shape, dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(traj.shape[0]):
idx = nearest_line_idx[i]
# (bx,by) = normalized vector for the closest line segment
segment_length = dists[idx+1] - dists[idx]
bx = (centerline[idx+1, 0] - centerline[idx, 0]) / segment_length
by = (centerline[idx+1, 1] - centerline[idx, 1]) / segment_length
# (tx,ty) = vector from start of closest segment to trajectory point
tx = traj[i,0] - centerline[idx, 0]
ty = traj[i,1] - centerline[idx, 1]
# unrotate the trajectory point by the angle of the line segment to get to (s,d) coordinates
sd[i, 0] = (bx*tx + by*ty) + dists[idx]
sd[i, 1] = (by*tx - bx*ty)
return sd