I am trying to read understand the react-grid-layout
library, and I am a little confused how can types exist in .js/.jsx files.
Here is an exmple from a .jsx file.
type Props = {
children: ReactElement<any>,
cols: number,
containerWidth: number,
margin: [number, number],
containerPadding: [number, number],
rowHeight: number,
maxRows: number,
isDraggable: boolean,
isResizable: boolean,
isBounded: boolean,
static?: boolean,
useCSSTransforms?: boolean,
usePercentages?: boolean,
transformScale: number,
droppingPosition?: DroppingPosition,
className: string,
style?: Object,
// Draggability
cancel: string,
handle: string,
x: number,
y: number,
w: number,
h: number,
minW: number,
maxW: number,
minH: number,
maxH: number,
i: string,
resizeHandles?: ResizeHandleAxis[],
resizeHandle?: ResizeHandle,
onDrag?: GridItemCallback<GridDragEvent>,
onDragStart?: GridItemCallback<GridDragEvent>,
onDragStop?: GridItemCallback<GridDragEvent>,
onResize?: GridItemCallback<GridResizeEvent>,
onResizeStart?: GridItemCallback<GridResizeEvent>,
onResizeStop?: GridItemCallback<GridResizeEvent>
Is there VSCode extension for this?
The library is using Flow instead of typescript, so it's very similar but slightly different
In the build file here
test: /\.jsx?$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loader: "babel-loader",
options: {
cacheDirectory: true
The "test" attribute will include all js or jsx files
The babelrc reference the flow plugin
Here is Flow's syntax.
Flow was supposed to be a less intrusive typescript. It encourage gradual, incremental typing similar to python's typing change to the language. Everyone preferred the more intrusive syntax of typescript, and here we are today.