Given object:
obj = {
"zozo": {
"buys": "6",
"sells": "9"
"zaza": {
"buys": "5",
"sells": "2"
How can I reduce this into the string zozo: buys(6) sells(9), zaza: buys(5) sells(2)
The best I have managed so far is:
obj = {
"zozo": {
"buys": "6",
"sells": "9"
"zaza": {
"buys": "5",
"sells": "2"
res = Object.entries(obj).reduce((x,y) => `${x}, ${y[0]}: buys(${y[1].buys}) sells(${y[1].sells})`, '');
, zozo: buys(6) sells(9), zaza: buys(5) sells(2)
I understand this is because I am passing an empty string as initial value, but if I don't do that then the function takes an array as initial value.
You can modify your code by joining the resulting array of strings using Array.prototype.join()
const obj = {
"zozo": {
"buys": "6",
"sells": "9"
"zaza": {
"buys": "5",
"sells": "2"
const res = Object.entries(obj).reduce((accumulator, [key, value]) => {
const entry = `${key}: buys(${value.buys}) sells(${value.sells})`;
return accumulator.concat(entry);
}, []).join(", ");