I am trying to send an html email with an image in the body using python-Django. But when I try to send the email I get the email without the image. So Tried hard coding a link to an image from the internet into my email context and the email was sent and the picture also did show up but then when i tried to send an email with a picture from my media files it wont load the picture when the user receives it.
I wrote a test function to send an html email but it does not display the picture on the email.
here is my code
def send_html_email(subject, from_email, to_email, html_content):
# Create the email message
email = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, strip_tags(html_content), from_email, to_email)
email.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
# Send the email
def send_email_with_picture(request):
subject = "Example HTML Email"
from_email = "sender email"
to_email = ["<recipient email>"]
# Retrieve the picture URL from your database
email_instance = Emails.objects.get(subject="Test sending email with picture")
picture_url = default_storage.url(email_instance.product1_image.name)
# Retrieve the current domain
current_site = get_current_site(request)
domain = current_site.domain
# Construct the complete absolute URL of the image
picture_url = f"http://{domain}{picture_url}"
# Render the HTML content with the absolute image URL
html_content = render_to_string('email_templates/email_template.html', {'picture_data':picture_url })
# Send the email
send_html_email(subject, from_email, to_email, html_content)
**here is my email template **
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Email Template</title>
<h1>Welcome to our newsletter!</h1>
<p>Here is a picture for you: {{ picture_data }} ## </p>
<!-- Render the image directly from the picture_data -->
<img src="{{ picture_data.url }}" alt="Picture">
<!-- Additional content for your email -->
When I replace
html_content = render_to_string('email_templates/email_template.html', {'picture_data':picture_url })
with a random link to a picture on internet it does send the email with that picture on the body, but fails to do so when i provide a picture from media files
My app is hosted on Pythonanywhere
picture_data is picture_url which gets reset to be a string...
picture_data, thus, does not have a url property. So picture_data.url
is empty.
You should be able to provide the correct link with simply {{picture_data}}
in your template