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Xcode - How to test different test targets together

I'm using SPM to achieve modular architecture in my iOS Xcode project. That's my package.swift:

let targets: [Target] = [
    .target(name: "Home", dependencies: ["Texture", ...]),
    .testTarget(name: "HomeTests", dependencies: ["Home", ...]),
    .target(name: "Inbox", dependencies: []),
    .testTarget(name: "Inbox”Tests", dependencies: ["Inbox", ...]),
    .target(name: “Settings”, dependencies: []),
    .testTarget(name: "SettingsTests", dependencies: ["Settings", ...]),

let package = Package(
    name: "MyPackage",
    platforms: [.iOS(.v14), .macOS(.v10_15)],
    products: targets.filter { !$0.isTest }.map { .library(name: $, targets: [$]) },
    dependencies: [...],
    targets: targets)

As you can see I have test target for each module. TestTargets contain unit tests. How can I run all the test targets together? For now I can only run each test target independently and it takes too much time to test the whole app.


  • You can use a test plan and edit the current scheme and add the tests you want to run in the test phase:

    1.- Edit the scheme Edit the scheme

    2.- Add the test plan here Add the test plan here

    3.- Add the test targets into the test plan Add the test targets into the test plan

    4.- Optionally you can gather coverage in the test plan by going into the "Configurations" tab.