I have a PostgreeSQL table
CREATE TABLE metadado_log_audit (
source_table varchar NULL,
name_column varchar NULL,
is_id_relation bool NULL
How can I set constraint that only one row have is_id_relation = true and unique source_table
Ex. I can not save source_table = 'user' and is_id_realation = true twice Tks
You seem to want a constraint that enforces unicity of source_table
where is_id_relation
is true.
In Postgres, you can use a unique filtered index for this:
create unique index metadado_log_audit_idx
on metadado_log_audit(source_table)
where is_id_relation;
insert into metadado_log_audit (source_table, is_id_relation) values ('user', true);
-- ok
insert into metadado_log_audit (source_table, is_id_relation) values ('user', false);
-- ok
insert into metadado_log_audit (source_table, is_id_relation) values ('user', true);
-- ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "metadado_log_audit_idx"
-- DETAIL: Key (source_table)=(user) already exists.
Note that Postgres unique indexes do allow duplicate null
values. In Postgres 15, you can change that behavior with option nulls not distinct
create unique index metadado_log_audit_idx
on metadado_log_audit(source_table)
nulls not distinct
where is_id_relation;