I am using Boto3 to retrieve configuration information from our AWS instance. I am trying to use pydantic to keep my data clean as I parse it. I haven't used dataclasses or pydantic in the past. AWS returns JSON with the information. There is a nested dictionary that they return as a string...
'accountId': '12354,
'arn': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:1234-NotificationForwarder',
'availabilityZone': 'Not Applicable',
'awsRegion': 'ap-southeast-2',
'configuration': '{"functionName":"aws-controltower-NotificationForwarder","functionArn":"arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:1234:function:aws-controltower-NotificationForwarder","runtime":"python3.6","role":"arn:aws:iam::1234:role/aws-controltower-ForwardSnsNotificationRole","handler":"index.lambda_handler","codeSize":473,"description":"SNS '
'message forwarding function for aggregating account '
'configurationItemCaptureTime': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 18, 3, 10, 30, 444000, tzinfo=tzlocal()),
'configurationItemMD5Hash': '',
'configurationItemStatus': 'OK',
'configurationStateId': '1234',
'relatedEvents': [],
'relationships': [{'relationshipName': 'Is associated with ',
'resourceName': 'aws-controltower-ForwardSnsNotificationRole',
'resourceType': 'AWS::IAM::Role'}],
'resourceId': 'aws-controltower-NotificationForwarder',
'resourceName': 'aws-controltower-NotificationForwarder',
'resourceType': 'AWS::Lambda::Function',
'version': '1.3'
the configuration field is a dictionary but it is enclosed in ticks which makes it a string. What is the best way to convert that to a dict as part of my datamodel?
I assume I would use a class to do that but I'm unclear as to how to do that. I tried to do a json
I have the below class..
class LambdaConfig(BaseModel):
functionName: str
functionArn: str
runtime: str
role: str
handler: str
codeSize: int
description: str
memorySize: str
class Lambda(BaseModel):
arn: str
availabilityZone: str
awsRegion: str
configuration: LambdaConfig
configurationItemCaptureTime: datetime.datetime
relationships: List
resourceId: str
resourceName: str
resourceType: str
supplementaryConfiguration: Dict
version: str
tags: dict
I can't figure out how I can convert the str into dict.
You can use a validator decorator to make the parsing:
from pydantic import BaseModel, validator
import json
class LambdaConfig(BaseModel):
functionName: str
functionArn: str
runtime: str
role: str
handler: str
codeSize: int
description: str
timeout: int
memorySize: int
lastModified: str
codeSha256: str
version: str
tracingConfig: dict
revisionId: str
layers: list
state: str
lastUpdateStatus: str
fileSystemConfigs: list
packageType: str
architectures: list
ephemeralStorage: dict
snapStart: dict
class Lambda(BaseModel):
arn: str
availabilityZone: str
awsRegion: str
configuration: LambdaConfig
configurationItemCaptureTime: datetime.datetime
relationships: List[dict]
resourceId: str
resourceName: str
resourceType: str
supplementaryConfiguration: Dict
version: str
tags: dict
@validator('configuration', pre=True)
def parse_configuration(cls, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
return json.loads(value)
return value
It detects if the 'configuration' field is a string and parses it to a dict.
lambda_obj = Lambda(**data)