I am developing a Flask Web-App
that should require LDAP
However, because some users are under different OUs and sometimes the CN
!= ldap_username
and I want to get the LDAP destinguishedName
by querying the username.
I know that in Windows PowerShell
I can use Get-ADUser username
but I want to do this on Linux
since I am running my app on a linux machine.
I have tried python-ldap3
and I can authenticate to the LDAP server
however, I can't run AD
Queries (At least I don't know an option to do so) and I have read through the docs but didn't find something that could be of help.
Please note that I want to query on the Active Directory by Username, like the Get-ADUser
You would first have to be connected to the LDAP
server in order to query on it, so firstly you will have to have a user that has permissions to query on the AD
You say you have succeeded to connect to the LDAP Server
so I figure you already know the user's DN
(The one you're using)
In order to connect this code would work:
from ldap3 import Server, Connection
DN = 'ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com' # This changes depending on your domain architecture
USERNAME = 'cn=user,' + BASE_DN
PASSWORD = 'SuperSecretPass!'
SERVER = 'ldap://server_ip:389'
ldap_server = Server(SERVER, get_info=ALL)
conn = Connection(ldap_server, user=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD, auto_bind=True)
With this you have initialized a connection to the LDAP Server
and now in order to query for a specific user you can use the function Connection.search()
and apply a search filter that finds the required user.
You will also have to provide the search with the base_dn
that should represent under which OU
the user exists, if you don't know the specific OU
or the user is under a few sub OU
s , then you can put the top OU
(Which is ultimately Users) and it should recurse until it finds it.
# Assumming base_dn == DN I will just use it as the base dn
username = 'user_to_query'
search_filter = f'(sAMAccountName={username})'
# In your case you only want DN so this option is not needed but this returns the complete summary of the user
attributes = '*'
query = conn.search(DN, search_filter, attributes=attributes)
# Get the DN from the query_result
if query:
print("User not found")