I'm testing a web application using Robot Framework/Selenium. I need to input numerical values to several text fields on a page, and I'm wondering if there's a way I can use a variable to get different random values for each of the fields.
I'm already using this keyword as suite setup:
Random Values
${RANDOM_VALUE} = Generate Random String 3 [NUMBERS]100-200
Set Global Variable ${RANDOM_VALUE}
And then these in the test case:
and it works, but it gives me the same string for each text field I call the ${RANDOM_VALUE} variable to. Is there some way to generate a different random string for every text field on the page by using the same variable for all of them?
I'm still a total newbie in the world of automated testing, and I'm not at all well-versed in Python... I have a feeling that the solution involves using Python in some way, but I have no idea how to actually do that. I've tried searching for the answer or tutorials or something to help me, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Maybe the answer is just so simple that nobody else is having the same problem?
Thank you!
Robot Framework assigns values to variables, not function/keyword calls. You should adjust your keyword to return a list with the three random numbers.
Here is an example:
*** Settings ***
Library Collections
Library String
*** Test Cases ***
Test Random Numbers List
${RANDOM_VALUE} = Generate Random Numbers List 3 3 [NUMBERS]100-200
Log "Input Text\ \ \${TEXT_FIELD_1}\ \ ${RANDOM_VALUE[0]}"
Log "Input Text\ \ \${TEXT_FIELD_2}\ \ ${RANDOM_VALUE[1]}"
Log "Input Text\ \ \${TEXT_FIELD_3}\ \ ${RANDOM_VALUE[2]}"
*** Keywords ***
Generate Random Numbers List
[Arguments] ${list_size}=3 @{args}
@{RANDOM_VALUE}= Create List
FOR ${x} IN RANGE ${list_size}
${num}= Generate Random String @{args}
Append To List ${RANDOM_VALUE} ${num}