I am new to RxJS. I was reading about first operator and understood that it returns the first element from a list/array/sequence or the first element which matches the given predicate.
I have written the below code
new Observable<number[]>(s => {s.next([1,2,3,4]);}).pipe(first()).subscribe({
next: (response) => console.log(response) // prints [1,2,3,4]
I was expecting that since my observable is emitting an array and the first operator would only return the first value to the subscribe's next function and 1 would be printed. Instead the complete array is printed.
from([1,2,3,4]).pipe(first()).subscribe({next: (res) => console.log(res)}) // prints 1
This code works as expected.
How are these two blocks of code different? Can anyone please explain?
returns first emitted value. Your value is the whole array.
is equivalent to of([1,2,3,4])
not from([1,2,3,4])
flattens the values from array and emits them separately, you can achieve the same by using mergeAll
before first