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How to disable the progress bar in DeepFace library?

I am using the DeepFace library to analyze emotions in a video. Here is the relevant code:

import cv2
from deepface import DeepFace

cap = cv2.VideoCapture("video.mp4")

prev_emotion = None
prev_time = 0

while True:
    ret, frame =
    if not ret:

    # Analyze emotions in the frame
    result = DeepFace.analyze(frame, actions=['emotion'], enforce_detection=False)

    # Get the dominant emotion
    dominant_emotion = result[0]['dominant_emotion']

    # Get the current time
    current_time = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC) / 1000

    # Check if the emotion has changed
    if dominant_emotion != prev_emotion:
        # Check if this is the first emotion or not
        if prev_emotion is not None:
            print(f"{current_time:.2f} seconds: Emotion changed from {prev_emotion} to {dominant_emotion}")

        # Update the previous emotion and time
        prev_emotion = dominant_emotion
        prev_time = current_time


When I run this code, it displays a progress bar showing the emotion detection progress for each frame.

Sample output for a frame:

Action: emotion: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 18.19it/s]

I would like to disable this progress bar as it is not necessary for my use case.

Is there a way to disable the emotion detection progress bar in the DeepFace library? If so, how can I do it?


  • Set silent argument of analyze function to True as mentioned in its docstring.

    DeepFace.analyze("img.jpg", actions = ["emotion"], silent = True)