I'm attempting to extract frame-by-frame images from a set of videos. I've tried to do this using grabVideoStills and ffmpeg but I can't get either to work.
Here is my grabVideoStills command:
imageDir = "C:/Users/pb/OneDrive/PD/MAG/split_stimuli",
overWriteDir = FALSE,
sampleWindow = 1
And I get the following error:
imageDir = "C:/Users/pb/OneDrive/PD/MAG/split_stimuli",
Error: unexpected ',' in "imageDir = "C:/Users/pb/OneDrive/PD/MAG/split_stimuli","
> overWriteDir = FALSE,
Error: unexpected ',' in " overWriteDir = FALSE,"
> sampleWindow = 1
> )
Error: unexpected ')' in ")"
Here is my ffmpeg command:
ffmpeg - i 01_H35_combined_small.mp4 %04d.png
And I get the following error message:
Error: unexpected numeric constant in "ffmpeg - i 01"
One thought I had about this error is that it doesn't like the number at the start of the filename, I've tried using quotation marks but it yields a similar error:
Error: unexpected string constant in "ffmpeg - i "01_H35_combined_small.mp4""
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
With the av package you can do:
av_video_images("yourFile.mp4", destdir = "destinationFolder", format = "png")