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Include original data with current data from temporal tables in a view?

I am creating a view based on a system-versioned table that records account information. The primary key is an automatically-incremented "Account No". My period columns are "Valid From" and "Valid To". I also assign a new "Version No" each time the data changes.

Within this view, I would like to use the "Valid From" value from the most recent version of each account to represent the account's "Time Modified." Then, I would like to use the "Valid From" value from the oldest version of each account (i.e., where "Version No" = 1) to represent the account's "Time Created."

How should I do this?


  • While it is possible to use FOR SYSTEM_TIME ALL and aggregation, it's probably easiest (and fastest) to just join the history table directly.

      ISNULL(ah.ValidFrom, a.ValidFrom) AS TimeCreated
    FROM Account a
        SELECT ah.*,
          rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ah.AccountNo ORDER BY ah.ValidFrom)
        FROM Account_History ah
    ) ah ON ah.AccountNo = a.AccountNo AND ah.rn = 1;

    You can also do this as an APPLY or scalar subquery. This may or may not be faster depending on the cardinalities involved. You should try both options.

      ISNULL(ah.ValidFrom, a.ValidFrom) AS TimeCreated
    FROM Account a
        SELECT TOP (1) ah.*
        FROM Account_History ah
        WHERE ah.AccountNo = a.AccountNo
        ORDER BY ah.ValidFrom
    ) ah;