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C# WPF Reuseable combobox populate method

I have the following code to populate a ConboBox using a LookupItem data service. Is there any way to make this code reuseable by being able to pass in the Model/Class name and the 'Name' property which is used for the DisplayMember, i.e. in the case below 'GradeName'.

Many Thanks.

public async Task<IEnumerable<LookupItem>> GetGradeLookupAsync()
            using (var ctx = _contextCreator())
                return await ctx.Grades.AsNoTracking()
                    .Select(g =>
                    new LookupItem
                        Id = g.Id,
                        DisplayMember = g.GradeName



  • You could try with a generic method. Something like this:

    public async Task<IEnumerable<LookupItem>> GetGradeLookupAsync<T>(
        Func<MyContext, IList<T>> dbSet,
        Func<T, int> idProperty,
        Func<T, string> nameProperty)
        using (var ctx = _contextCreator())
            var set = dbSet(ctx);
            return set
                .Select(g =>
                    new LookupItem
                        Id = idProperty(g),
                        DisplayMember = nameProperty(g)

    Sample usage:

    await GetGradeLookupAsync(ctx => ctx.Grades, g => g.Id, g => g.GradeName);